
Consultations allow you to share your tree care concerns or ideas with an arborist. Our arborists will look at your tree(s), prepare reports, and discuss options that will work with your budget and needs, be it; safety, construction, preservation, etc.


Arborist Reports

Arborist reports can be produced to help document the health and status of your tree(s). Reports are helpful in monitoring areas of concern and planning for the long-term health of your tree.

Arborist Reports are required for tree removal applications when a tree has a DBH (diameter at 1.2m) greater than 30cm.


Construction Planning

We will assess the size, species, quantity, and location of the trees on your property with respect to your development plans. Our arborists will provide you with a Tree Conservation Report to meet your needs for site plan development.


Tree Inventory

Tree inventories are commonly used for commercial properties, parks, condos, or private residents with large quantities of trees. A tree inventory is used to prioritize tree maintenance needs, plan for a community’s future, and to provide a basis for the implementation of a management plan.